Far South Mobile Community Hub
Bringing essential services, information and opportunities to the Far South

What's on at the Hub
What happens from the Hub?
Emergency Food Relief
Dover & South Action Group (DASAG) provide food boxes for those in need from the Far South Mobile Community Hub every Friday from 1:30pm to 3pm. Come down for a cuppa and a cake and a chat.
Please contact in advance to arrange
Kristie - 0407 981 066
Lydia - 0400 134 388
Community Connector
A Community Connector is available at the Hub during opening hours to provide:
- connections and referrals to support services
- confidential one-on-one support
- assistance navigating service systems such as MyGov, My Aged Care, Housing Connect, Legal Aid etc
- cuppa and a chat
Visiting Services
A range of services utilise the Far South Mobile Community Hub's private consultation space for appointments. For more information on what services are visiting your local area, please contact the Hub's Community Connector Kathryn on 0437 998 325 or kathryn@geevestoncommunitycentre.com
Local Information
To find out more about the activities, programs, health services and opportunities to connect in your local community, drop into the Far South Mobile Community Hub for a chat.
Location Calendar
Opening Hours
Tuesday - Friday 10am - 4pm
1st Saturday of every month 10:00am - 2:00pm
For all enquiries about the Far South Mobile Community Hub's location, visiting services, community information or if your organisation would like to book the consultation space, please contact Kathryn via mobile 0437 998 325 or by email at kathryn@geevestoncommunitycentre.com.
For all enquiries about Food Relief or Dover & South Action Group Inc and their work in the Far South, please contact Lydia via deckiesdover@gmail.com or mobile
0400 134 388.